• July 27, 2024

Looking for that Special Caterer in LA

Article Written by : The Great American Small Business Challenge If you’re getting married in the City of Angels, you’ve picked a great place. Los Angeles is home to every single service you could possible need on your special day and each come with a number of options. Catering is a perfect example. Due to…

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Safer and Cheaper

Online shops can probably revolutionize the way we buy our daily amenities as well as luxuries. What most people don’t know is that the new medium is just as convenient for the sellers as it is for the customers. Merchant shopping carts have become the new standard program for those who are looking to open…

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Modern Time Keeping

In business, every second counts. International business firms know this, and so should your own start up business. Tardiness is an issue in any organization whether big or small, time cards can only do so much to ensure your employees are where they are when they should. Every second that they aren’t working will slowly…

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Online Ads: Which Should You Choose?

By Ted Dhanik We live in the day and age of digital advertising.  There is no place on earth that more people convene every single day than the internet.  For this reason, it’s crucial for both online and offline businesses alike to take advantage of posting ads online. There are many different types of online ads…

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Teaching Your Employees How to Use Time Tracking Software

When it comes to running your business, it’s essential you have the best tools for monitoring the time and attendance of your employees. The time they work will directly affect how much you pay them, of course. But it’s also important that you monitor when their attendance begins and ends so you can stay on…

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Finding Your Credit Card Processing Solution

Article Written by : Keywordle There are many important components to an online business: your product or service, the website, a marketing strategy, etc. But without the right payment gateway, it won’t matter how great the rest of the elements are. If you can’t receive money, your business can’t succeed. While online credit card processing…

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Secure Profits with a Secure Cart

The online space is the future of entrepreneurial retail. Going online with your business just makes much more sense in this day and age. Most people nowadays are capable of even the basic operation of computers such as browsing websites and checking emails. Also, the user interface in today’s computers is so friendly and intuitive…

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How to Revamp your Internet Café Business

Aritlce Written by : SEO Tips & Info An internet cafe offers a variety of services, but access to the web is considered its main attraction.  So when it comes to attracting more customers to your internet cafe, it’s important to set your business apart from the competition by offering something more than just the…

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The Latest Lottery Tools and Apps

Article WRitten by : Deka Design For many people, playing the lottery is all about strategy. And there are plenty of online tools to help users get just a little bit closer to winning the jackpot. But how do you find the latest lottery tools and apps? The answer is Lotto Gopher, a social lottery…

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Ideas for Display Marketing

By Ted Dhanik  To invest in display marketing, the advertisement that is created must have a certain tone or point. There are a lot of ways to go about this. One such point of view is to use humor. Humor in advertising has been shown to be extremely effective, and in some cases, much more…

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